The bamboozler strikes again; Once again Trump baffles his critics
Have you ever been conned? Or course you have, we all have, and you probably realize that in retrospect and regret that you have been conned. Meanwhilke, here are two dictionary definitions of bamboozling: 1) To bamboozle is to hoodwink, lead by the nose, or pull the wool over someone’s eyes; you’re tricking or fooling them. Bamboozle may sound like a funny word, but anyone that’s ever been bamboozled could tell you it’s nothing to laugh about. 2) To conceal one’s true motives from others, especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end.
PT Barnum, carnival barker, said it best. “There’s a sucker born every minute.” People believe what they want to believe. Hence the emergence of the greatest bamboozler of all time, the carnival attraction known as Donald Trump. In the documentary Unfit; The Psychology of Donald Trump (URL below) several prominent psychologists state clearly that Trump is clinically insane. He suffers, in their opinion, from malignant narcissism, paranoia, anti-social personality disorder, and sadism. In short, he enjoys hurting people.
But there is another and different viewpoint in this fine film worth noting. Anthony Scaramucci is an American financier and broadcaster who briefly served as the White House Director of Communications from July 21 to July 31, 2017. In short, he lasted less than two weeks because he was fired for voicing an opinion different than Donald Duck. In the documentary Scaramucci offers up the opinion that Trump is actually a genius, but not in the way Trump personally thinks of himself.
Scaramucci asserts that Trump’s career satisfaction is not what you think at all. Trump is a carnival attraction, a made-for-TV celebrity and he thinks of himself in that way. He’s not really a real estate developer, a sharp businessman, a leader of men, a negotiator or President. He’s a brilliant bamboozler with extraordinary skills to confuse, con, gaslight and attack people, usually for his own entertainment. Trump is a reality TV star of the highest order, created by a jaded American public looking for cheap thrills.
Trump documentary reveals the real truth about his genius
In the movie The Elephant Man, a severely facially disfigured man in the 19th century in London is kept in a cage in a carnival for display to passersby willing to shed a shilling to be horrified. His canny handler, who makes a living by displaying this poor cripple to the public, says: “He’s the greatest freak in the world.” Indeed, people line up to get a cheap thrill from this poor creature. Horror movies, you see, sell well.
The Bamboozler is the biggest cripple in the world today and millions of people turn on their TV regularly to watch, often horrified but seldom amused. In the Elephant Man, the poor cripple is taken into a hospital to live out his short life. One can only wish that The Bamboozler ends up the same way, in the rubber room, perhaps with a mirror on the wall to admire himself, the celebrity clown who once bamboozled an entire nation with his sick and pathetic genius. Have a look at the film. See for yourself.
Unfit; The psychology of Donald Trump.